Bride overcome with emotion after receiving robe made from late mum’s wedding dress

Kaylee in the robe (left), Mary and Tom's wedding day (top right) and Kaylee and Tony's wedding day
Kaylee in the robe (left), Mary and Tom’s wedding day (top right) and Kaylee and Tony’s wedding day (bottom right) (Picture: CJ Bryant/ Mandelette Photography )

On Kaylee’s wedding day, she thought she would just be wearing her late mum Mary’s veil.

But on the day, her mum’s best friend Debbie Lilly surprised her with a beautiful bridal robe, made from Mary’s wedding dress.

Kaylee, 22, was overcome with emotion at the beautiful gift and how her mum was part of her special day.

She tells ‘They were friends for as long as I can remember and Debbie was always working on new art projects. She came up with the idea and got in contact with my father in order to get his permission and get the dress (I was under the impression she was just fixing up my mom’s veil for me to wear).

‘Opening that present, I was speechless. This was gift I didn’t even know I needed until she showed me what she had done.

‘Having my mom pass away at such a young age, it was tough to swallow that she wouldn’t see me graduate college, get married, get my first real job, or see her grandchildren.

‘But having her wedding dress gave me comfort on my wedding day. A sense that she was right there with me.’

Mary and Tom on their wedding day
Mary and Tom on their wedding day (Picture: Kaylee Taylor)

Kaylee’s mum Mary McNamara Hausier died a year ago today on 12 November 2018. She was aged just 55 and had been living with metastatic breast cancer for seven years.

Before she died, Mary had met Kaylee’s then boyfriend Tony Taylor, 23, but she didn’t know he was going to propose just over a month after she died.

Kaylee says: ‘She only knew him as my boyfriend, but we talked about how I wanted to marry him one day. He didn’t propose to me until 19 December last year.’

The picture Kaylee posted on Twitter of the robe
Debbie gave her the gift the day before the wedding (Picture: Kaylee Taylor)

After Kaylee and Taylor’s engagement, they started to plan their wedding – a small ceremony in Chicago, Illinois with some close family and friends.

Tony is in the Army and in the six months before the wedding, the couple were apart, making the big day on 16 June this year even more special.

Kaylee in the robe made from her late mum's wedding dress
Kaylee’s mum’s best friend made the robe (Picture: CJ Bryant)

But knowing that Kaylee would be thinking about her mum on her special day, Debbie created the special gift for her to wear, sewing together the dress Mary had worn to her own wedding to Kaylee’s dad Tom.

At the top, she added ribbons – one with Kaylee and Tony’s names and another with Mary and Tom’s names.

Kaylee in the robe
Kaylee in the robe (Picture: CJ Bryant)

The day before the wedding, Debbie presented the gift to Kaylee and she was in tears.

She posted on Twitter: ‘One of the hardest parts about losing my mom last year was realizing she wouldn’t be there for me on my wedding day.

‘Tomorrow I marry the man of my dreams (a man who my mom adored), and my mom’s best friend made me a robe to wear out of her wedding dress. IM IN TEARS.’

Kaylee in her wedding dress with Tony
Kaylee in her wedding dress with Tony (Picture: Mandelette Photography )

The touching tweet received over 5067,000 likes and 47,000 retweets.

Kaylee wore the robe before she put on her own wedding dress to walk down the aisle and she says the whole day was perfect.

What a beautiful gift.

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