Mum shares photos of her loose skin to celebrate embracing her post-partum body

Hayley showing off her tummy
Hayley is now embracing her body (Picture: MDWfeatures / Hayley Garnet)

After years of ‘drowning in hatred’ over her body, a mum-of-three is finally embracing herseelf, and is posting pictures of her loose skin online to inspire others.

Hayley Garnett, a 31-year-old office manager and photographer from Columbia, Missouri, always knew she wanted to be a mum but before she fell pregnant with her first child Archer, now five, she struggled with an eating disorder and would spend hours in the gym every day and would restrict her food intake.

Hayley struggled to get pregnant because her cycle became irregular.

However, after getting pregnant and giving birth to her son, everything changed. Though she was self-conscious about her scars and her weight, she no longer obsessed over the gym and restricted her food.

Hayley later gave birth to twins, Ruby and Ramona, two, and Hayley finally felt at peace with her body as she realised that her family and husband Cody, 32, were what made her happy.

The mum now feels proud of her body and what it has given her, and she’s even started sharing photos of her postpartum body to Instagram with her loose skin on display.

Hayley hopes to be an inspiration to other mums to show them that they are not defined by their imperfections and can be comfortable in their own skin.

Hayley showing off her belly
She struggled to come to terms with her loose skin (Picture: MDWfeatures / Hayley Garnet)

Hayley said: ‘Before I became a mother, I actually struggled with an eating disorder. I would spend hours in the gym and starve myself for days on end. I truly felt like I was drowning in hatred for my body.

‘I only expected to have one or two kids maximum, but my second pregnancy was a huge surprise – twin girls.

‘After having my son almost six years ago I just felt so much different about my body after he was born. I was self-conscious of the scars and the weight, but I didn’t revert back to eating disorder mode – it didn’t feel important.

‘Once I had my twin girls, I really felt even freer because I had realised what makes me truly happy and content in life, being grateful for the health and happiness of my kids and husband.

‘Not only does my body look much different but it feels so different too. I actually struggle with diastasis recti (abdominal separation) and an umbilical hernia which both make life a bit difficult. Pelvic floor physical therapy is also something I try to advocate for because it really helps women to heal after pregnancy and birth.

Hayley posing
She now loves the skin she’s in (Picture: MDWfeatures / Hayley Garnet)

‘I am so proud of my body. I’m also frustrated by the limitations, but I am so amazed by everything my body has done to carry, birth and nurse my children. I am a petite woman who carried twin girls until 37-and-a-half weeks – I feel like a warrior.

‘I got the idea to share my postpartum body back in November of 2017 right after I had my twin girls. I felt like the more I shared my truth, the less shame I would feel – and it worked.’

Hayley shares her body positive pictures on Instagram and is often inundated with messages of love and support from other mums from all over the world.

‘Oh my gosh my biggest hope is to be a positive inspiration for other mums,’ she said. ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel alone. I want the stigmas to end, and for us to feel comfortable being in our skin wearing what we want and not hiding away.

‘The reactions I receive on social media are almost all positive. Some women love what I share but don’t feel comfortable doing so themselves, but I’m really trying to build a community for us and encourage the mainstream media to drop their notions on what makes a body worthy of love.

‘The most difficult part of this journey is that it isn’t a straight path to a destination. It’s not linear and there will be bumps and hurdles. There are still some days that have me frowning at myself before I remember that my worth and beauty is not defined by my flaws or “imperfections”.

‘You are worthy. You are beautiful. You have grown. It’s so important to work on ourselves and how we both speak and think about our bodies – we need to do this for our children – the future.’


If you suspect you, a family member or friend has an eating disorder, contact Beat on 0808 801 0677 or at, for information and advice on the best way to get appropriate treatment

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