Joker-related porn searches are still growing because people want to see a clown getting down

Joker-related porn searches are still growing because people want to see a clown getting down

Joaquin Phoenix as Joker with PornHub logo across his genitals
It’s no joke – Joker is making people horny (Picture: Pornhub/Warner Bros/Getty)

Whatever single topic you can think of, there’s porn for that.

Oh, you went to the movies over the weekend? There’s low-budget footage out there on the internet of the protagonist facing obstacles and reaching climax (not the movie’s).

And if you went to watch Joker, then you might have had a gander online to see what the porn world has to offer in the way of lovable villains.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone, you clown fetishist (or Joaquin Phoneix stan). Pornhub has revealed that there’s been a massive increase in searches related to Joker.

In fact, the folks at the sex website have told that on the second week of the film’s release, there were 2.3 million searches in total.

That’s a lot of clown buffoonery. But you know, they do have big feet. And you know what they say about big feet…

The search seems to be growing stronger too. In the first four days of Arthur Fleck’s reintroduction to the world, there were more than 741,000 searches involving the word Joker.

On the Sunday of that week, Pornhub honchos saw the biggest spike – with 291,628 hits in one day alone.

Graph showing increase in searches for Joker porn
There’s an increase of searches over weekends (Picture: Pornhub)

It seems comic books are very popular for those who are into a bit of role-play.

When fellow DC blockbuster Suicide Squad was released in 2016, rises in superhero porn rose once again.

Only it wasn’t Jared Leto’s portrayal people were interested in. Margot Robbie’s rendition of Harley Quinn stole the show.

In fact, Pornhub revealed that the colorful gymnast reigns supreme when it comes to comic book porn favourites.

Even after two years, Harley Quinn is still the most popular movie or game character on Pornhub with over 10 million searches in 2018 alone.

That number’s probably only going to increase given the latest edition of the franchise, Birds of Prey, is set to drop in 2020.

We’ve added the trailer below to those who can’t get enough of the villainous badass known as Joker’s girlfriend.

But no jerking off to it though.

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