How to stop ‘cancel anxiety’ – the guilt that comes with blowing off your plans

How being unable to decorate the places we live is affecting us Metro illustrations (Picture: Ella Byworth/
‘I feel instantly guilty and often end up cancelling my cancellation and going out anyway’ (Picture: Ella Byworth/

It’s Monday, you had a jam-packed weekend, you have a busy week ahead – and you already feel exhausted.

So, you take the proactive step and cancel a couple of plans, because #selfcare. That dinner with your school pal can wait until next week, those networking drinks won’t miss you. You’re tired and rest is important. Pat on the back for you.

But, instead of an evening of restful bliss – a candle-lit bath, homemade nutritious food and a sensible two hours of Netflix – your free evening is plagued with uncomfortable feelings of guilt and regret.

We’re calling it cancel anxiety, and it’s really common.

Why does cancelling plans so often make us feel like this? Why is it so hard to sit with our decision to put ourselves first without feeling like we’ve let everybody down?

All these worries are sabotaging our virtuous attempts to give ourselves a break, and it can become a bit of a vicious cycle.

It’s a feeling that Donna, 30, knows all too well.

‘I wear myself out trying make sure I make time for all my friends, family, the gym and work as well as “living my best life” to the point where I’m often stressed out about how many plans I have,’ she explains.

‘But the minute I take any time off to just rest, I’m filled with anxiety. Am I missing out? Am I being a bad friend? Am I secretly lazy because I want to spend the day at home in my pyjamas watching Netflix?

‘I find that I spend the time when I have plans feeling anxious about how busy and tired I am and wishing I could have a break, and the minute I take a break, I feel anxious about not doing anything.

‘On the rare occasion I do try to put my health first and cancel something as I know I need a rest, I feel instantly guilty and often end up cancelling my cancellation and going out anyway, or deciding that because I cancelled I need to make the most of my “time off” and do one million chores instead.

‘In short, it’s exhausting.’

Sleep illustration
‘It’s about never really feeling like you’ve made the right decision, and it makes me feel like I don’t know myself that well’ (Picture: Ella Byworth for

The pressure to be constantly achieving can make you feel as though you have to fill your free time with productive things.

It’s fuelled by social media, and the need to constantly perform to everyone you know how much fun you’re having, how successful you are, how well you’re doing. Cancelling a plan can feel like a missed opportunity to add to this narrative.

Hannah, 20, says she finds it really difficult to explain to her friends why she needs a night off.

‘I’ve missed friend’s birthdays, work drinks, just going out generally,’ says Hannah. ‘Sometimes, hearing “we missed you!” is also really hard. It’s almost as horrible a feeling as deciding to not go out in the first place.

‘It’s so hard to express that you’re just having a really hard time in that moment.

‘I think that it’s about never really feeling like you’ve made the right decision, and it makes me feel like I don’t know myself that well.’

Hannah says the problem comes when she thinks she’s doing the right thing for herself and her body, but then she gets conflicting messages telling her the opposite.

‘It is just a constant struggle to do the “right” thing,’ she adds.

‘I end up really focusing on the event itself – looking on social media to make sure it was as chill as I thought it was going to be, or if it suddenly turned into the best night ever.

‘There’s also the need to apologise to the host and all the friends you’re missing, which can be exhausting – even if the friends don’t really care!’

We’ve all heard of FOMO – the fear of missing out. It can cause us to pack our schedules with things we don’t really want to do, just because the possibility of missing something fun is too stressful.

But cancel anxiety takes FOMO to the next level. We aren’t only afraid of missing out, we often end up blaming ourselves, feeling guilt and shame for not making the right decision or berating ourselves for not having enough ‘fun’.

The accumulative effect of this can leave you feeling completely trapped. Say yes to every invitation and you’ll be hurtling towards burnout, but if cancelling also causes you stress – what’s the alternative?

‘It’s easy to forget that we must put ourselves first,’ explains Neuro Linguistic Programming coach Rebecca Lockwood.

‘If you feel as though you would prefer to be at home, relaxing, honour that. Also remember that if the reason you are declining is due to something else you have already committed to, or you would prefer to spend time with other people or yourself, maximise on that.

‘Remember that it’s OK to want to do other things and you don’t need to explain that to anyone else or even yourself. There will be plenty of other opportunities to do things.’

Rebecca thinks that one of the best ways to tackle this kind of anxiety is to make sure that you are fully at peace with spending time alone. She says that starts with the smallest of gestures.

‘Always check in with yourself,’ she says. ‘Use a few minutes in the morning to set an intention for yourself and how you want your day and week to turn out.

‘Be kind to yourself, not only in giving yourself some time to rest, but also being aware of the inner chatter you have in your mind.

‘If you find yourself talking to yourself negatively, just stop for a moment, place your hand on your heart take a deep breath and tell yourself “you are OK, you are proud of you and you will have a lovely day whatever you do”.’

Alex calls himself the FOMO King. He says the anxiety he gets from cancelling plans often means he says yes to everything – no matter how exhausted it leaves him.

‘I’m constantly doing things with various groups of friends, and then when I feel I’m burning out and dedicate a weekend or a few evenings to myself, I feel guilty for cancelling on certain friends,’ he says.

‘Or I feel jealous seeing people out on their Instagram stories.

‘I’m always telling myself’ “once you’re out and have a drink you’ll enjoy it”, but this weekend for example – I can’t decide whether the tiredness from going out again was worth the lack of FOMO.’

Sophie, 29, agrees. She has a manic work schedule, so her weekends are precious – but she feels the pressure to fill them up with plans even though she knows she needs to rest.

‘Society tells us that we need to see our friends, party, go to the gym or any other things that are deemed to be ingredients that together make up a “life” on the weekends,’ she says.

‘When in reality, sometimes all I want to do is spend time by myself. So, I frequently cancel plans because I just don’t have the energy or feel like I’m forced to do stuff.

‘Sadly, it’s a vicious cycle, because then I feel guilty or anxious because I haven’t done anything all weekend.

‘Take sleeping in, for example. I get up around 6am most days during the week, but then when I decide to lie in until 10am on a weekend, I feel sad and guilty because shouldn’t I be doing something?’

woman sleeping at desk
‘I spent years feeling like I was the “flakey friend”‘ (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Emma Case is a life coach, she says that in order to shift those feelings of guilt and turn rest into something positive – you have to be completely open with your friends and peers.

‘I spent years feeling like I was the “flakey friend”,’ says Emma. ‘I felt guilty, that I was forever letting people down. I found it hard to be honest about why I was cancelling.

‘The turning point was experiencing a serious case of burnout and exhaustion, and my priorities had to shift.

‘Truthfully, I still cancel from time to time, the only difference is that now I’m completely honest about why. Simply put, telling a friend that you’re tired and genuinely need to rest is honourable and strengthens bonds. It also reduces the feeling of stress.

‘FOMO still occasionally creeps up on me, I’m only human! The difference now is that I’m less concerned.’

How to cope with cancel anxiety

1. Focus on yourself 100%. If you’ve taken the time to prioritise your well-being, don’t spend the evening feeling guilt or regret. Learn to enjoy your party for one.

2. Remember that FOMO is normal. We all experience it at times. My tried and tested affirmation on these occasions: ‘next time will be even better!’

3. Unfollow/mute friends on social media for 24 hours and tell them not to tag you in any photos.

Emma Case, life coach

It’s really important to remember to listen to your body.

If you want to cancel plans and go to bed, that’s not you being lazy, that’s your body telling you to take a break – and being aware of those signals is the best way to keep your body and your mind healthy.

As Emma says, honestly really is the best policy. Chances are, all your mates feel just as exhausted as you do, so normalising the concept of taking a night off without the need for an elaborate excuse might be the best thing for all of you.

Simply saying – I can’t tonight, my body needs a rest – should be enough. And if your friends truly care about you, they will understand.

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