Bisexual polyamorous couple say love should be like the sun and ‘radiate all directions’

Three-way couple
Darrien Leathers, and boyfriend Ryan Meyers pictured with Beth, Darrien’s other partner (Picture: SWNS)

Darrien Leathers, 23, and Ryan Meyers, 27, had a ‘spiritual marriage’ within two months of meeting on a dating app in 2018.

The couple from San Diego, California felt monogamy was too restrictive and wanted to explore other partners.

A few months later, Darrien met student Beth Sanchez, 20, on Tinder who she eventually began dating.

Ryan has met his spiritual wife’s girlfriend but doesn’t date her himself. And Beth has a boyfriend and is also in an open relationship.

The open relationship works for the trio, who are not in a throuple yet but say they may choose to be in the future.

‘A monogamous relationship can sometimes feel like I’m taking my love and shining it like a flashlight on one person,’ says Ryan.

‘In a sexually fluid relationship, your love is like a sun and it radiates in all directions.’

Darrien & Ryan. A polyamorous couple who encourage each other to have relationships with both sexes believe that their arrangement gives them the best of both worlds. See SWNS story SWNYfluid. Darrien Leathers, 23, and Ryan Meyers, 27, say that monogamy is too constrictive and call their relationship ?sexually fluid.? The couple, of San Diego, California, USA, are so open with each other that Ryan invited Darrien?s girlfriend Beth Sanchez, 20, to a surprise birthday party he threw for Darrien. The pair tied the knot just two months after meeting in a ?spiritual? ceremony in the Sequoia National Forest complete with pine cones and crystals. Ryan, said: ?A monogamous relationship can sometimes feel like I?m taking my love and shining it like a flashlight on one person. ?In a sexually fluid relationship, your love is like a sun and it radiates in all directions.? Ryan, a music producer, and Darrien, a meditation guide, met on MeetMindful, a dating app for mindful people, in September 2018. Darrien admitted that at first she was looking for a girlfriend, but Ryan?s profile was the first she saw.
Darrien (right) and Ryan got spiritually married after two months of meeting (Picture: SWNS)

Ryan, a music producer, and Darrien, a meditation guide, met on MeetMindful, a dating app for mindful people.

Darrien said: ‘I joined the app because I wanted to meet people who were into the conscious lifestyle and aware of what they ate, how they felt and the choices they were making.

‘I originally downloaded the app to talk to girls, but before I changed my preferences, Ryan’s face popped up.

‘We met shortly after. We fell in love right away. Love is limitless and we don’t have to put a lock on love.

‘He told me that he was also fluid and he had an attraction to both sexes.

‘We decided to be in an open relationship and that we were going to see each other and other people too.’

Beth & Darrien.
Darrien met Beth on Tinder (Picture: SWNS)

Moving in together after two weeks, the couple opted against a legal marriage because they didn’t want the government to define their love.

In October 2018, the pair travelled to the Sequoia National Forest in California for their wedding, changing their surnames to Seqqoÿa in honor of their ceremony.

In July, Darrien began dating Beth, a student and hairstylist, who she had met on Tinder 18 months before.

Speaking of her girlfriend Beth, Darrien said: ‘It felt like we had known each other for a long time. It’s been really cool to be able to nurture this feminine bond.’

Ryan initially had some doubts about Darrien’s relationship with Beth.

He said: ‘At first I was a little hesitant about Beth.

‘She was a relationship from the past and we were growing and releasing old patterns and creating new realities for ourselves, not just following our physical desires.

Darrien & Ryan posing together
Ryan is in one relationship only at the moment but is open to more in future (Picture: SWNS)

‘But once I met Beth I knew it was a genuine thing. It’s all love and I can feel the love and it’s great to just get more and more love.

‘I can feel jealous but I have to remember that it’s free and open love. We want to allow each other to be the best version of ourselves.’

Although Ryan says ‘doesn’t have time’ to date other people right now, he believes that in the future he will have his own girlfriend or boyfriend or become a ‘throuple’.

He continued: ‘I’m just going with the flow and whatever is meant to be, will be. It’s not something I’m pushing or forcing at all.’

Beth added: ‘I get to enjoy the best of both worlds. They are night and day.

‘There are two parts of me that feel completed. It’s possible to love more than one person.

‘Love is something that can be spread rather than just contained to one person.’

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